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Movie Ticket


This page discuss the extended information for queuing up scenarios, please also check the base API.

Order Status

Notification can start from any status below and status can be skipped if necessary, but not in reverse.

Order Status


Notification Logic


When the ticket is issued.

Issue ticket in Card Wallet.

Performance notification will be shown 2 hours before start_time


When the order is refunded.

Hide performance notification.

Ticket will disappear.


When the ticket is used.

Hide performance notification.

Ticket status change to USED.

Below is the extra fields of this scenario, please also check the base API fields.


This page discuss the extended information for queuing up scenarios, please also check the base API.

Order Status


The transaction number provided by Alipay.


The transaction number provided by Alipay.


The original amount of this ticket.


The original amount of this ticket.


Value in cents.


Value in cents.


A 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code, i.e. HKD


A 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code, i.e. HKD


The actual amount user paid.


The actual amount user paid.


Value in cents.


Value in cents.


A 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code, i.e. HKD


A 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code, i.e. HKD


Merchant's order ID.


Merchant's order ID.


An URL redirects to the order detail page, starts with allpayhk://.


An URL redirects to the order detail page, starts with allpayhk://.


An object controls the display code value.


An object controls the display code value.


REQUIRED when status is TICKETED.


when status is TICKETED.


Value of the display code.


Value of the display code.


Message of the display code.


Message of the display code.


A template code ID provided by AlipayHK.


A template code ID provided by AlipayHK.


REQUIRED when status is TICKETED.


when status is TICKETED.


Notification / Ticket display start datetime to the user in milliseconds.


Notification / Ticket display start datetime to the user in milliseconds.


REQUIRED when status is TICKETED.


when status is TICKETED.


Notification / Ticket display end datetime of this ticket in milliseconds.


Notification / Ticket display end datetime of this ticket in milliseconds.


REQUIRED when status is TICKETED.


when status is TICKETED.


Start datetime of this event in milliseconds.


Start datetime of this event in milliseconds.


REQUIRED when status is TICKETED.


when status is TICKETED.


End datetime of this event in milliseconds.


End datetime of this event in milliseconds.


REQUIRED when status is TICKETED.


when status is TICKETED.


Available usage of this ticket, i.e. ​​\"1\"​​.


Available usage of this ticket, i.e. "1".


An object providing business dedicated display information of different locale.

  • zh_HK: Traditional Chinese
  • en_US: English

An object providing business dedicated display information of different locale.

  • zh_HK: Traditional Chinese
  • en_US: English

Cinema name of this ticket.


Cinema name of this ticket.


Cinema house of this ticket.


Cinema house of this ticket.


Address of the event.


Address of the event.


REQUIRED when status is TICKETED.


when status is TICKETED.


List of information tags of the movie.


List of information tags of the movie.


List of movie seats of this ticket.


List of movie seats of this ticket.


Service level of the tickets.


Service level of the tickets.


Number of tickets of this service level.


Number of tickets of this service level.


Name of the platform / agency.


Name of the platform / agency.


An URL redirects to the logo of the platform / agency.


An URL redirects to the logo of the platform / agency.

","editType":"string","type":"string","range":"<100 KB","warning":"","warningLake":"","maxLength":256}]}]}],"response":[],"examples":[{"scene":[],"request":"{ \"amount\": { \"value\": \"10000\", \"currency\": \"HKD\" }, \"payAmount\": { \"value\": \"2000\", \"currency\": \"HKD\" }, \"tradeNo\": \"2123094382159431592739568123\", \"extInfo\": { \"merchant_bill_detail\": \"alipayhk://platformapi/startapp?appId=2102000032500019\", \"merchant_bill_id\": \"P2046\", \"codeInfo\": { \"code_msg\": \"codeInfo\", \"code_value\": \"codeInfo\" }, \"template_code\": \"22025030300135606000000015385502\", \"available_time\": 1740998266927, \"expired_time\": 1741001866927, \"start_time\": 1740998266927, \"end_time\": 1741001866927, \"available_times\": 1, \"multiLang\": { \"zh_HK\": { \"cinema_name\": \"AlipayHK 影院\", \"cinema_house\": \"1 號院\", \"address\": \"香港銅鑼灣勿地臣街 1 號\", \"movie_attributes\": [ \"2D Atmos D-BOX\", \"120分鐘\", \"動作、科幻\", \"IIA\" ], \"movie_seats\": [ \"F20\", \"F21\" ], \"ticket_info_list\": [ { \"ticketLevel\": \"成人票\", \"count\": \"1\" } ], \"platform_name\": \"AlipayHK\", \"platform_logo\": \"*Wbi4SpWwX_IAAAAAAAAAAAAADgeDAQ/original\" }, \"en_US\": { \"cinema_name\": \"AlipayHK Cinema\", \"cinema_house\": \"House 1\", \"address\": \"1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong\", \"movie_attributes\": [ \"2D Atmos D-BOX\", \"120 Mins\", \"Action, Sci-Fi\", \"IIA\" ], \"movie_seats\": [ \"F20\", \"F21\" ], \"ticket_info_list\": [ { \"ticketLevel\": \"Adult\", \"count\": \"1\" } ], \"platform_name\": \"AlipayHK\", \"platform_logo\": \"*Wbi4SpWwX_IAAAAAAAAAAAAADgeDAQ/original\" } } }}"}],"exampleResponse":[]},"sceneConfig":[{"name":"APP","items":[{"icon":"*g-x4R5biJnsAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","name":"ALIPAY","width":70,"text":""},{"icon":"*oWi6R65CbmgAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","name":"ALIPAY_HK","width":70,"text":""},{"icon":"*BGsoRLcqPFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","name":"GCASH","width":70,"text":""},{"icon":"*3gswS6s147sAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","name":"DANA","width":70,"text":""},{"icon":"*aN3iTZOdEhgAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","name":"KAKAO_PAY","width":70,"text":""}]},{"name":"CLIENT","direction":"row","items":[{"name":"APP","icon":"*sHjISq1PKn8AAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","width":40},{"name":"H5","icon":"*cOz7T50g1I0AAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","width":40},{"name":"DESKTOP","icon":"*NKaIRq-KfQYAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","width":40}]},{"name":"MERCHANT","items":[{"name":"INST","text":"机构商户"},{"name":"DIRECT","text":"直联商户"}]},{"name":"GRANT_TYPE","items":[{"name":"AUTHORIZATION_CODE","text":"AUTHORIZATION_CODE"},{"name":"REFRESH_TOKEN","text":"REFRESH_TOKEN"}]},{"name":"CREATE_MEMBERSHIP_CARD","items":[{"name":"WITH_USER_INFO","text":"With user information"},{"name":"WITHOUT_USER_INFO","text":"Without user information"}]},{"name":"COLLECT_PMS_INFORMATION","items":[{"name":"MERCHANT_PMS","text":"MERCHANT_PMS"},{"name":"IPAY_TRADE_NO","text":"IPAY_TRADE_NO"}]},{"name":"Card Type","items":[{"name":"COUPON","text":"COUPON"},{"name":"TICKET","text":"TICKET"}]},{"name":"Ticket Type","items":[{"name":"PASS","text":"PASS"},{"name":"MOVIE","text":"MOVIE"},{"name":"AIR TICKET","text":"AIR TICKET"},{"name":"TRAIN TICKET","text":"TRAIN TICKET"},{"name":"BUS TICKET","text":"BUS TICKET"},{"name":"SHIP TICKET","text":"SHIP TICKET"}]},{"name":"Display Code Type","items":[{"name":"BARCODE","text":"BARCODE"},{"name":"QR CODE","text":"QR CODE"},{"name":"PROMO CODE","text":"PROMO CODE"},{"name":"NONE","text":"NONE"}]},{"name":"Card Status","items":[{"name":"USED","text":"USED"},{"name":"CLOSED","text":"CLOSED"},{"name":"UPDATE","text":"UPDATE"},{"name":"REFUND","text":"REFUND"}]},{"name":"內容入庫","items":[{"name":"Catering (BRAND)","text":"Catering (BRAND)"},{"name":"Catering (STORE)","text":"Catering (STORE)"},{"name":"MOVIE","text":"MOVIE"},{"name":"E-Commerce (STORE)","text":"E-Commerce (STORE)"},{"name":"E-Commerce (SKU)","text":"E-Commerce (SKU)"}]}]}