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Queue Up


This page discuss the extended information for queuing up scenarios, please also check the base API.

Order Status

Notification can start from any status below and status can be skipped if necessary, but not in reverse.

Order Status


Display Sample (Index Page)


When the customer start queuing up / number is updated.

**You should update this status every time a number is called.



When the queue number matched.


Hide notification after 10 mins.


When the queue number has already called.


Hide notification after 10 mins.


When the queuing is cancelled.

**Only available in CALL_NUM status.

Hide notification.


When the service order is completed.

Hide notification.

Below is the extra fields of this scenario, please also check the base API fields.


This page discuss the extended information for queuing up scenarios, please also check the base API.

Order Status




Information of the shop.


Information of the shop.


Extended information of this shop.


Extended information of this shop.


An object providing business dedicated display information of different locale.

  • zh_HK: Traditional Chinese
  • en_US: English

An object providing business dedicated display information of different locale.

  • zh_HK: Traditional Chinese
  • en_US: English

Display name of this shop.


Display name of this shop.


Display address of this shop.


Display address of this shop.


An URL redirects to the shop, starts with allpayhk://.


An URL redirects to the shop, starts with allpayhk://.


Extended information of this service order.


Extended information of this service order.


The queue number of this order.


The queue number of this order.


Number of tables before this order, should be 0 after status CALL_NUM


Number of tables before this order, should be 0 after status CALL_NUM


This field should be dynamically updated.


This field should be dynamically updated.


Estimated wait time of this order in minutes.


Estimated wait time of this order in minutes.


This field should be dynamically updated.


This field should be dynamically updated.


The waited time of this order in milliseconds.


The waited time of this order in milliseconds.


This field should be dynamically updated.


This field should be dynamically updated.


An object providing business dedicated display information of different locale.

  • zh_HK: Traditional Chinese
  • en_US: English

An object providing business dedicated display information of different locale.

  • zh_HK: Traditional Chinese
  • en_US: English

URL reference to the details of this service order, starts with allpayhk://.


URL reference to the details of this service order, starts with allpayhk://.


Type of table this order is queuing for.


Type of table this order is queuing for.


Display merchant name on the card (title).


Display merchant name on the card (title).


An URL reference the display merchant icon (72 x 72px) on the card, starts with ​https://


An URL reference the display merchant icon (72 x 72px) on the card, starts with https://

","editType":"string","type":"string","range":"<100 KB","warning":"","warningLake":"","required":true},{"name":"order_remark","description":"

Display remarks on the card, i.e. Valid within 30 minutes.


Display remarks on the card, i.e. Valid within 30 minutes.


Maximum length: 14 Chinese characters, 23 English characters.


Maximum length: 14 Chinese characters, 23 English characters.

","required":true}]}]}],"response":[],"examples":[{"scene":[],"request":"{ \"shopInfo\": { \"extInfo\": { \"multiLang\": { \"zh_HK\": { \"name\": \"飛豬茶餐廳(銅鑼灣店)\", \"address\": \"香港銅鑼灣勿地臣街 1 號\" }, \"en_US\": { \"name\": \"Fliggy Cafe (CWB)\", \"address\": \"1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong\" } } } }, \"extInfo\": { \"queue_number\": \"A10\", \"wait_tables\": 3, \"multiLang\": { \"zh_HK\": { \"order_detail_link_url\": \"alipayhk://platformapi/startapp?appId=2102000032500019\", \"table_type\": \"1-2 人桌\", \"show_merchant_name\": \"香港支付寶\", \"show_merchant_icon_url\": \"*Wbi4SpWwX_IAAAAAAAAAAAAADgeDAQ/original\", \"order_remark\": \"過號 30 分鐘後,需要重新輪候\" }, \"en_US\": { \"order_detail_link_url\": \"alipayhk://platformapi/startapp?appId=2102000032500019\", \"table_type\": \"1-2 People\", \"show_merchant_name\": \"AlipayHK\", \"show_merchant_icon_url\": \"*Wbi4SpWwX_IAAAAAAAAAAAAADgeDAQ/original\", \"order_remark\": \"Expire after 30 minutes\" } } }}"}],"exampleResponse":[]},"sceneConfig":[{"name":"APP","items":[{"icon":"*g-x4R5biJnsAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","name":"ALIPAY","width":70,"text":""},{"icon":"*oWi6R65CbmgAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","name":"ALIPAY_HK","width":70,"text":""},{"icon":"*BGsoRLcqPFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","name":"GCASH","width":70,"text":""},{"icon":"*3gswS6s147sAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","name":"DANA","width":70,"text":""},{"icon":"*aN3iTZOdEhgAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","name":"KAKAO_PAY","width":70,"text":""}]},{"name":"CLIENT","direction":"row","items":[{"name":"APP","icon":"*sHjISq1PKn8AAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","width":40},{"name":"H5","icon":"*cOz7T50g1I0AAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","width":40},{"name":"DESKTOP","icon":"*NKaIRq-KfQYAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ","width":40}]},{"name":"MERCHANT","items":[{"name":"INST","text":"机构商户"},{"name":"DIRECT","text":"直联商户"}]},{"name":"GRANT_TYPE","items":[{"name":"AUTHORIZATION_CODE","text":"AUTHORIZATION_CODE"},{"name":"REFRESH_TOKEN","text":"REFRESH_TOKEN"}]},{"name":"CREATE_MEMBERSHIP_CARD","items":[{"name":"WITH_USER_INFO","text":"With user information"},{"name":"WITHOUT_USER_INFO","text":"Without user information"}]},{"name":"COLLECT_PMS_INFORMATION","items":[{"name":"MERCHANT_PMS","text":"MERCHANT_PMS"},{"name":"IPAY_TRADE_NO","text":"IPAY_TRADE_NO"}]},{"name":"Card Type","items":[{"name":"COUPON","text":"COUPON"},{"name":"TICKET","text":"TICKET"}]},{"name":"Ticket Type","items":[{"name":"PASS","text":"PASS"},{"name":"MOVIE","text":"MOVIE"},{"name":"AIR TICKET","text":"AIR TICKET"},{"name":"TRAIN TICKET","text":"TRAIN TICKET"},{"name":"BUS TICKET","text":"BUS TICKET"},{"name":"SHIP TICKET","text":"SHIP TICKET"}]},{"name":"Display Code Type","items":[{"name":"BARCODE","text":"BARCODE"},{"name":"QR CODE","text":"QR CODE"},{"name":"PROMO CODE","text":"PROMO CODE"},{"name":"NONE","text":"NONE"}]},{"name":"Card Status","items":[{"name":"USED","text":"USED"},{"name":"CLOSED","text":"CLOSED"},{"name":"UPDATE","text":"UPDATE"},{"name":"REFUND","text":"REFUND"}]}]}