Refund Flow

For a transaction that is successfully paid, the customer can request a refund from the merchant as long as the refunding period is still valid. The following business flow shows how to integrate with the refund interface of the PCtoMobile solution. The process involves the customer, the merchant, and Alipay/AlipayHK. 

Refund Flow


  1. The refund service name is: Forex_refund.
  2. The refund API is applicable if the refunding period is not expired.
  3. To initiate multiple refund transactions by using a same partner ID (partner), send the refund requests with an interval of at least 3 seconds.
  4. Partial and full refunds are supported. You can refund an amount less than or equal to the total of a transaction. Each transaction can have many partial refunds, provided that the total amount does not exceed the value of the original transaction.