Signing the request
To send a request to call an Alipay API, you must sign the request parameters to create a request URL. Complete the following steps to sign the request parameters:
1、Package the following request parameters: protocol parameters, required parameters, and optional parameters.
You can use only parameters defined by Alipay, no other parameters allowed.Take Java as an example, you can use the following code to package the parameters.
//package the request parameters
Map sParaTemp = new HashMap();
sParaTemp.put("service", AlipayConfig.service);
sParaTemp.put("partner", AlipayConfig.partner);
sParaTemp.put("_input_charset", AlipayConfig.input_charset);
sParaTemp.put("notify_url", AlipayConfig.notify_url);
sParaTemp.put("return_url", AlipayConfig.return_url);
sParaTemp.put("out_trade_no", out_trade_no);
sParaTemp.put("subject", subject);
sParaTemp.put("total_fee", total_fee);
//sParaTemp.put("rmb_fee", rmb_fee);
sParaTemp.put("body", body);
sParaTemp.put("currency", currency);
sParaTemp.put("product_code", product_code);
//sParaTemp.put("supplier", supplier);
//sParaTemp.put("secondary_merchant_id", secondary_merchant_id);
//sParaTemp.put("secondary_merchant_name", secondary_merchant_name);
//sParaTemp.put("secondary_merchant_industry", secondary_merchant_industry);
//split_fund_info = split_fund_info.replaceAll("\"", "'");
//sParaTemp.put("split_fund_info", split_fund_info);
2、Sort the packaged parameters and generate a pre-sign string.
Combine all array values in the format of key=value, link the combinations with the character "&", and sort in an order of A to Z. You can sort the parameters by using the corresponding function provided in demo code:
- For JAVA, see alipayapi.jsp
- For PHP, see alipayapi.php
- For ASP.NET C#, see default.aspx.cs
For example, a string with sorted parameters for the MD5 sign type is as below:
For example, a string with sorted parameters for the RSA sign type is as below:
3、Get the value of the sign parameter.
MD5 sign type
If sign_type
= MD5
, complete the following steps to get the value of sign:
- Append the MD5 private key to the string of sorted parameters and generate a new string. To get the MD5 private key, see Preparing keys. For example:
- Run the MD5 signature function with the new string. You will get the value of sign. For example:
RSA2/RSA sign type
If sign_type
= RSA2
or RSA
, complete the following steps to get the value of sign:
- Run the RSA2/RSA signature function with the pre-sign string you get in Step 2 and get the value of sign. For example, a RSA signature:
- Encode the signature parameter (sign) into a bytecode string by using the Base64 scheme: