User flow

Depending on whether to combine the Alipay wallet and AlipayHK wallet, you might see 2 types of user experience. For the combined solution, only one entry exists for both the Alipay and AlipayHK wallet. For the separated solution, 2 payment options for both wallets need to be presented.

The following payment entries are provided for customers on the merchant website:

The separated solution:


The combined solution:


You can choose one of the payment channels, and the payment amount and QR code for payment will be shown. Users can scan the QR Code by using the corresponding Alipay/Alipay HK wallet and then complete the payment.


AlipayHK provides only the service of generating the payment QR code, the following front-end display needs to be developed by merchants.

The separated solution:


The combined solution:


After the payment is completed, users will get the payment result and can go back to the merchant homepage by clicking the return button. You can check the payment result from your side and take further action.


AlipayHK provides only the payment result and the possibility to go back to the merchant homepage. The following front-end display needs to be developed by merchants.


In the meantime, an asynchronous notification will be sent to you with the payment result. The notification is reliable with a built-in retry mechanism.