3. Update Template Status
Use this interface to update the template status of the redeemable card / ticket.
General Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Client-Id | An ID provided by AlipayHK, used to identify partner and application system. | String | 4Q5Y8W0WSG45P907917 |
Content-Type | The RFC 2616 media type of the request body, the charset should be as same as the one used for cryptographic operations. | String | application/json; charset=UTF-8 |
Signature | A key-value pairs string separated by commas (,), which keys and values are joined by equal signs (key=value). Valid keys include:
| String | algorithm=RSA256,keyVersion=1,signature=KEhXthj4bJ801Hqw8kaLvEKc0Rii8KsNUazw7kZgjxyGSPuOZ48058UVJUkkR21iD9JkHBGR rWiHPae8ZRPuBagh2H3qu7fxY5GxVDWayJUhUYkr9m%2FOW4UQVmXaQ9yn%2Fw2dCtzwAW0htPHYrKMyrT pMk%2BfDDmRflA%2FAMJhQ71yeyhufIA2PCJV8%2FCMOa46303A0WHhH0YPJ9%2FI0UeLVMWlJ1XcBo3Jr bRFvcowQwt0lP1XkoPmSLGpBevDE8%2FQ9WnxjPNDfrHnKgV2fp0hpMKVXNM%2BrLHNyMv3MkHg9iTMOD% 2FFYDAwSd%2B6%2FEOFo9UbdlKcmodJwjKlQoxZZIzmF8w%3D%3D |
Encrypt | when message content needs to be encrypted. A key-value pairs string separated by commas (,), which keys and values are joined by equal signs (key=value). Valid keys include:
| String | algorithm=RSA_AES,keyVersion=1,symmetricKey=bqS8HSmdaRrpKSuPy7CqUlyd8lJurG93 |
Request-only Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Request-Time | The ISO-8601 datetime of this API request with timezone. | String | 2024-05-22T06:42:21+05:30 |
Response-only Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Response-Time | The ISO-8601 datetime of this API response with timezone. | String | 2024-05-22T06:42:21+05:30 |
Tracer-Id | An ID for tracing this request. | String | abcdefg135202000000000263818 |
Request parameters
merchantId string REQUIRED
Merchant ID provided by AlipayHK.
templateCode string REQUIRED
An unique ID referencing the template issued by AlipayHK.
More information:
- Maximum length: 32 characters
status string REQUIRED
Status of the template.
: Permanently unavailable.paused
: Temporarily unavailable.
Available status flow:
(Internal status) ->valid
Response parameters
resultInfo ResultInfo REQUIRED
A metadata object indicates the result of the request.
status string
Status of the template.
Result/Error codes
Code | Value | Message |
SUCCESS | S | Success |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | F | Request is invalid, usually missing parameters. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_BTN_URL_ILLEGAL | F | Template button URL is invalid. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_URL_ILLEGAL | F | Template image URL is invalid. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_NAME_ILLEGAL | F | Template name format illegally. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION_ILLEGAL | F | Template description format illegally |
PASS_TEMPLATE_BRAND_NAME_ILLEGAL | F | Template brand name format illegally. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_SHOP_ILLEGAL | F | Template shops format illegally. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_TAG_LABEL_ILLEGAL | F | Template custom label format illegally. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_TAG_VALUE_ILLEGAL | F | Template custom value format illegally. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_START_TIME_LESS_CURRENT | F | Template start date is less than the current timestamp. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_START_TIME_EXCEED | F | The start time of gift card template exceeds the allowable range. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_TIME_INTERVAL_ILLEGAL | F | The start and end time interval of gift card template is illegal. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_END_TIME_EXCEED | F | The end time of gift card template exceeds the allowable range. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_INVALID | F | The picture of the gift card template contains sensitive content. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_CUSTOMTAB_URL_INVALID | F | The custom url of the gift card template contains sensitive content. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_BTN_URL_INVALID | F | The button url of the gift card template contains sensitive content. |
PASS_TEMPLATE_CONTENT_INVALID | F | The gift card template text contains sensitive content. |