4. Query Card Template
1 API Path
2. API Request
2.1 Request
2.1.1 Header
Name | Description | Type | Length | Required | Remarks | Sample |
client-id | Client ID | String |
| M |
| 211020000000000000044 |
signature | Message signature information | String | M |
| algorithm=RSA256,keyVersion=2,signature=xxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzz== | |
encrypt | Message encryption information | String |
| O |
| algorithm=rsa, keyVersion=2 |
Content-type | Http content type | String | M |
| application/json; charset=UTF-8 | |
request-time | Request time | String | M | 2023-12-18T02:33:31Z |
2.1.2 Body
Field | Type | Length | Required | Remarks | Sample |
templateCode | String | 64 | M | Template | 82022031000135000000000000624234 |
merchantId | String | 64 | M | Merchant ID | 2160120041113167 |
2.2 Response
2.2.1 Body
Field | Type | Length | Remarks | Sample |
templateCode | String | 64 | Template Code | 82022031000135000000000000624234 |
startDate | Date | / | Template start date time in millisecond timestamp format | 1640970061000 |
endDate | Date | / | Template end date time in millisecond timestamp format | 1640970061000 |
status | String | 32 | Template Status: valid - default status frozen - template frozen expired - template expired closed - template offline | valid |
codeType | String | 16 | Code type barcode - Barcode qrcode - QR code promocode - Promotion Code | barcode |
codeStandrad | String | 16 | Code standard CODE128 - Barcode default standard EAN-13 - Barcode standard QRCODE - QR Code | CODE128 |
imageUrl | String | 512 | Image URL | |
button | Object | / | Button setup infomaration | JSON Object |
localeInfo | Object | / | Card information based on different locale | JSON Object |
merchantLogo | String | 512 | Logo Image URL | |
currentAmount | Object | 0~100000000 | Sell price (unit: cents) | 1000 ( means 10.00HKD) |
originalAmount | Object | 0~100000000 | Original price (unit: cents) | 1000 ( means 10.00HKD) |
discount | Integer | 1~100 | Discount rate | 10 |
stock | Integer | 1~1000000 | Amount in Stock | 100000 |
orderPageLink | String | 512 | Product sales link. Configure the link to jump to coupon purchase
| alipayhk://platformapi/startapp?appId=2160003634300010&page=pages%2Fvouchers%2Fdetail%2Fdetail%3Fsource%3Dcampaign%26couponId%3D184056 |
categories | LIst <String> | Maximum is 2 | Labeling for industry classification | ["Medical","Cosmetics"] Details see the section 2.2.4 Categories for enumeration values |
availableStock | Long | / | available stock num | 10000 |
bizMids | LIst<String> | Maximum is 30 | Associated merchant ids | ["2160199994945610","2160199994945611"] |
exposure | String | / | Exposure label. Allow giftcard to be displayed in AlipayHK designated in-app areas. Enumerations: exposed - exposure hidden - hide from exposure | exposed |
passExtInfo | JSON | / | Gift card template extend info | { "availableStoreIds":["storeid1", "storeid2"], "availableBrandIds":["brandid1","brandid2"] } |
2.2.2 Button Object
Field | Type | Length | Mandatory | Remarks | Sample |
btnType | String | 8 | Y | Button Type none - do not display usage - use immediately payment - rediret to wallet payment QR code page | payment |
urlType | String | 16 | Y | URL Type: CODE_PAY_BTN - Payment QR code page SCAN_PAY_BTN - Scan to pay page CUSTOM_BTN - Custom URL | CODE_PAY_URL |
btnUrl | String | 512 | N | Custom URL (When urlType=CUSTOM_BTN, this field is mandatory) | |
browserOpen | boolean | / | N | Open system browser (this field is not appliable in AlipayHK) | false |
2.2.3 LocaleInfo
Field | Type | Length | Mandatory | Remarks | Sample |
name | String | 25 | Y | Gift card name | |
description | String | 4000 | Y | Gift card description | |
shops | String | 1000 | Y | The gift card can be redeemd in shops | |
brandName | String | 32/64 | Y | The gift card brand name | OpenRice |
customTabs | List<CustomTab> | / | N | Custom Tab list | JSON Object |
2.2.4 Categories
Chinese Description | English Description | Code Value |
餐飲 | Food & Beverage | Food |
咖啡茶飲 | Coffee & Tea | CoffeeAndTea |
醫療保健 | Medical | Medical |
美容化妝 | Cosmetics | Cosmetics |
生活百貨 | Groceries | Groceries |
網購 | Ecommerce | Ecommerce |
電子產品 | Electronics | Electronics |
遊戲娛樂 | Electronic Games | Games |
服飾配件 | Clothing & Accessories | Clothing |
珠寶鐘錶 | Jewellery & Watches | Jewellery |
休閒娛樂 | Entertainment | Entertainment |
教育 | Education | Education |
交通出行 | Transportation | Transportation |
其它 | Others | Others |
2.2.5 currentAmount or originalAmount Object
Field | Type | Remarks | Sample |
value | String | The value of the smallest monetary unit. (unit: cents) | 10000 |
currency | String | Currency , HKD,CNY,USD,JPY, etc | HKD |
2.2.6 CustomTab
Field | Type | Length | Mandatory | Remarks | Sample |
label | String | 20 | Y | Custom Tab Name | tab name 1 |
type | String | 16 | Y | Custom Tab Type url - when the tag is clicked, the screen will open the specified URL | url |
value | String | 512 | Y | URL to be opened |
2.2.7 ResultCode
ResultCode | resultStatus | resultMessage |
SUCCESS | S | success |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | F | request parameter illegal |
PASS_TEMPLATE_NOT_EXIST | F | pass template not exsit |
3. Request Example
3.1 Request
"merchantId": "2160120041113167",
"templateCode": "82022031100135000000000000626075"
3.2. Response
"availableStock": 10000,
"button": {
"browserOpen": false,
"btnType": "payment",
"btnUrl": "https://Alipay.com",
"urlType": "CUSTOM_BTN"
"categories": [
"exposure": "exposed",
"availableStoreIds":["1248934u", "12489ej23i"],
"codeStandard": "CODE128",
"codeType": "promocode",
"currentAmount": {
"currency": "HKD",
"value": "1000"
"discount": 16,
"endDate": 1667120401000,
"imageUrl": "https://alipay.com/glory66",
"localeInfo": {
"en_US": {
"brandName": "AliCenter",
"customTabs": [
"label": "DIY tag 1",
"type": "url",
"value": "https://alipay.com/glory111"
"label": "DIY tag 2",
"type": "url",
"value": "https://alipay.com/glory222"
"label": "DIY tag 3",
"type": "url",
"value": "https://alipay.com/glory333"
"label": "DIY tag 4",
"type": "url",
"value": "https://alipay.com/glory444"
"description": "Make it",
"name": "【Hung Fook Tong】Popularity in Taiwan Sunnyhill",
"shops": "You can use any store you know"
"zh_HK": {
"brandName": "阿里中心",
"customTabs": [
"label": "自定义tag1",
"type": "url",
"value": "https://alipay.com/glory111"
"label": "自定义tag2",
"type": "url",
"value": "https://alipay.com/gloey2222"
"label": "自定义tag3",
"type": "url",
"value": "https://alipay.com/glory333"
"label": "自定义tag4",
"type": "url",
"value": "https://alipay.com/glory44444"
"description": "省着点",
"name": "【鴻福堂】台灣人氣微熱山丘鳳梨奶黃月餅(1盒...",
"shops": "你知道的店都能用"
"merchantLogo": "https://www.merchantLogo.com",
"orderPageLink": "alipayhk://platformapi/startapp?appId=2160003634300010",
"originalAmount": {
"currency": "HKD",
"value": "1200"
"result": {
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "success.",
"resultStatus": "S"
"startDate": 1664351748000,
"status": "valid",
"stock": 10000,
"templateCode": "22022092700135606000000000154152"