3. Update Ticket Template Status
1. API Path
Production domain: https://open.alipay.hk
2. API Request
2.1 Request
2.1.1 Header
Name | Description | Type | Length | Required | Remarks | Sample |
client-id | Client ID | String |
| M |
| 211020000000000000044 |
signature | Message signature information | String | M |
| algorithm=sha256withrsa,keyVersion=2,signature=xxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzz== | |
encrypt | Message encryption information | String | O |
| algorithm=rsa, keyVersion=2 | |
Content-type | Http content type | String | M |
| application/json; charset=UTF-8 |
2.1.2 Body
Field | Type | Length | Mandatory | Remarks | Sample |
templateCode | String | 32 | Y | Template ID | 82022031000135000000000000624234 |
status | String | 32 | Y | Template Status: valid closed paused Only the following updates are allowed:
| valid |
merchantId | String | 64 | Y | Merchant ID | 2160120041113167 |
2.2 response
Field | Type | Length | Remarks | Sample |
resultInfo | Object | / | Result Code | |
status | String | 16 | Template Status |
2.2.1 ResultInfo
Field | Type | Length | Remarks | Sample |
resultCode | String | Result Code | SUCCESS | |
resultStatus | String | Result Status F - Failed S - Success | S | |
resultMsg | String | Result Description | SUCCESS |
2.2.2 ResultCode
ResultCode | resultStatus | resultMessage |
SUCCESS | S | success |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | F | request parameter illegal |
PASS_TEMPLATE_HAS_NOT_EXIT | F | pass template not exist |
PASS_TEMPLATE_STATUS_ILLEGAL | F | pass template status enum illegal |
STATE_MACHINE_ILLEGAL | F | pass template state machine check illegal |
PASS_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_INVALID | F | The picture of the gift card template contains sensitive content |
PASS_TEMPLATE_CUSTOMTAB_URL_INVALID | F | The custom url of the gift card template contains sensitive content |
PASS_TEMPLATE_BTN_URL_INVALID | F | The button url of the gift card template contains sensitive content |
PASS_TEMPLATE_CONTENT_INVALID | F | The gift card template text contains sensitive content |
3. Request Example
3.1 Request
"merchantId": "2160120041113167",
"templateCode": "82022031100135000000000000626075",
"status": "valid"
3.2 Response
"templateCode": "82022031100135000000000000626075",
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultStatus": "S"
"status": "valid"