Call this interface to obtain the information of a particular transaction, such as the transaction ID, out_trade_no, and transaction status.
Service address
Environment | HTTPS request URL |
Production environment | |
Test environment |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Basic parameter | |
service String | Interface name
partner String(16) | The partner ID that is assigned by Alipay to identify an Alipay account. The partner ID is composed of 16 digits and begins with 2088.
_input_charset String | The charset with which the request data is encoded. UTF-8, GBK, and GB2312 are supported.
sign_type String | Sign type. RSA, RSA2 and MD5 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String | Sign value
Business parameter | |
trade_no String(64) | The unique transaction ID assigned by Alipay, with a length in the range 16 - 64 bits. If out_trade_no and trade_no appear at the same time, trade_no takes precedence. Note: This field is required when out_trade_no is not provided.
out_trade_no String(64) | The unique transaction ID that is assigned by the partner. If both trade_no and out_trade_no appear, trade_no takes precedence. Note: This parameter is required when trade_no is not provided.
- Only the HTTPS request is supported for this API.
- Do not use the halfwidth quotation mark (") in parameter values.
Synchronous response
Parameter | Description |
Basic parameter | |
is_success String | Indicates whether the request succeeds or not, with a value of T for success and F for failure.
sign_type String | Sign type. RSA, RSA2 and MD5 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String | Sign value
error String | Error message
Business parameter | |
buyer_email String | Buyer’s Alipay account
buyer_id String | The unique buyer ID assigned by Alipay
trade_status String | The transaction status, with a value of TRADE_FINISHED, WAIT_BUYER_PAY, or TRADE_CLOSED. See Trade status for details.
is_total_fee_adjust String | Indicates whether the total fee is adjusted. The value is T for the adjusted total fee and F for the non-adjusted total fee.
out_trade_no String | The unique transaction ID that is assigned by the partner
trade_no String | The unique transaction ID assigned by Alipay, with a length in the range 16 - 64 bits. If out_trade_no and trade_no appear at the same time, trade_no takes precedence.
subject String(256) | Brief description of the transaction. Special characters are not supported. Note: The value of this field will be displayed to customers.
flag_trade_locked String | Indicates whether the trade transaction is locked. If the value is 1, the transaction is locked. If the value is 0, the transaction is not locked.
body String | Detailed description about the goods. Special characters are not supported.
gmt_create Date | The time when the transaction is created. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Use GMT+8.
seller_email String | Partner Alipay account
seller_id String | A unique seller ID assigned by Alipay. This 16-digit number begins with 2088.
total_fee Number | The transaction amount in CNY. It is the exact amount that the buyer has paid. Accurate to two decimal places. The transaction amount is in HKD when the buyer paid by Alipay HK.
price Number(11,2) | Goods prices, which is accurate to 2 digits after the decimal point. The unit is RMB and the value is in the range 0.01 - 100000000.00. The unit is HKD when the buyer paid by Alipay HK.
quantity Number | The quantity of goods
coupon_discount String | The amount of Alipay coupon discount
use_coupon String(1) | Indicates whether the Alipay coupon is used in the transaction. The value can be T for a used coupon and F a coupon that is not used.
discount Number | The discount amount
gmt_last_modified_time Date | The last time when the value of total_fee is modified. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Use GMT +8
gmt_payment Date | The time when the transaction is paid by the buyer. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Use GMT+8.
to_buyer_fee String | The accumulative refunded amount paid to the buyer
to_seller_fee String | The accumulative amount paid to the seller
payment_typeString | The payment type. See Payment Type for details.
operator_role String | The operator role, with a value of B for buyers or S for sellers.
Error codes
Business errors
Error code | Description |
TRADE_NOT_EXIST | The trade doesn't exist. Check whether out_trade_no or Alipay trade_no is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_SIGN | Illegal signature |
ILLEGAL_DYN_MD5_KEY | Dynamic key information is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_ENCRYPT | Encryption is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | Parameter is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_SERVICE | Service parameter is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_USER | User ID is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER | Partner ID is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_EXTERFACE | Interface configuration is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER_EXTERFACE | Partner's interface information is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_SECURITY_PROFILE | Matching private key configuration has not been found. |
ILLEGAL_AGENT | Agency ID is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_SIGN_TYPE | The signature type is incorrect. |
ILLEGAL_CHARSET | The character set is illegal. |
ILLEGAL_CLIENT_IP | Client IP address is illegal |
HAS_NO_PRIVILEGE | No right to visit |
ILLEGAL_DIGEST_TYPE | Digest type is illegal. |
ILLEGAL_DIGEST | Digest is illegal. |
ILLEGAL_FILE_FORMAT | File format is illegal. |
ILLEGAL_ENCODING | Encoding type is illegal. |
ILLEGAL_REQUEST_REFERER | Anti-phishing checks the illegal request. |
ILLEGAL_ANTI_PHISHING_KEY | Anti-phishing checks the illegal timeframe. |
ANTI_PHISHING_KEY_TIMEOUT | Anti-phishing checks the timeframe timeout. |
ILLEGAL_EXTER_INVOKE_IP | IP Anti-phishing checks the illegal IP. |
System errors
Returned result | Description |
SYSTEM_ERROR | Alipay system failed to process the request due to temporary internal glitch. |
SESSION_TIMEOUT | Session timeout |
ILLEGAL_TARGET_SERVICE | Wrong target service |
ILLEGAL_ACCESS_SWITCH_SYSTEM | Merchant is not allowed to visit the system of this type. |
EXTERFACE_IS_CLOSED | The interface has been closed. |
Payment type
Type | Description |
01 | Coupon Fee Pre-payment |
02 | Coupon Fee Payment |
03 | Reminding Payment |
04 | Automatic Sending Goods |
1 | Merchandise |
2 | Service Purchase |
3 | Online Auction |
4 | Donation |
5 | Post Fee Compensation |
6 | Bonus |
7 | Funds Purchase |
8 | Air Ticket |
9 | Go Dutch |
10 | Group Purchase |
11 | Electronic Ticket |
12 | Lottery Ticket |
13 | Auction |
14 | Mobile Payment |
15 | Flowers & Gifts |
16 | Agent Electronic Ticket |
17 | Party Membership Dues |
18 | Foreign Exchange |
19 | Automatic Charge |
20 | Refund of Overseas Payment |
21 | Refund of Instant Payment |
22 | Business Deposit |
24 | Cash Gift |
25 | Rent |
26 | Motopay |
23 | Shopping Chart |
27 | Escrow Payment of Group Purchase |
Transaction status
Status | Description |
WAIT_BUYER_PAY | Transaction awaits user payment. |
WAIT_SELLER_SEND_GOODS | Transaction awaits seller sending goods. |
WAIT_BUYER_CONFIRM_GOODS | Transaction awaits buyer confirming goods. |
TRADE_FINISHED | Transaction is finished successfully. |
TRADE_CLOSED | Transaction is closed during processing (finished, not successfully) |
WAIT_SYS_CONFIRM_PAY | Transaction awaits system confirming the payment. Do not provide the goods to the customer before the payment is confirmed. |
WAIT_SYS_PAY_SELLER | The buyer confirms the goods, and the transaction awaits system to pay to seller. |
TRADE_REFUSE | Transaction is refused. |
TRADE_REFUSE_DEALING | Transaction is refused. |
TRADE_CANCEL | Transaction is cancelled. |
TRADE_PENDING | Transaction is pending. |
TRADE_SUCCESS | Transaction is completed, and is available for refund. |
BUYER_PRE_AUTH | The buyer has paid. (IVR Payment) |
COD_WAIT_SELLER_SEND_GOODS | Transaction awaits the seller to provide the goods to the customer. (COD) |
COD_WAIT_BUYER_PAY | Transaction awaits user payment. (COD) |
COD_WAIT_SYS_PAY_SELLER | Buyer confirms that the goods is received, and the transaction awaits system paying to seller. (COD) |
Additional trade status
Status | Description |
ZHIFUBAO_CONFIRM | The custom service confirms goods for buyer. |
ZHIFUBAO_CANCEL_FP | The custom service cancels the instant payment for buyer. |
DAEMON_CONFIRM_CANCEL_PRE_AUTH | Expiration program cancels the pre-authorization. |
DAEMON_CONFIRM_CLOSE | Expiration program cancels the transaction because the buyer did not pay. |
Request sample with the out_trade_no field specified:
Request sample with the trade_no field specified:
Request succeeds:
<param name="partner">208xxxxxxxxx5500</param>
<param name="service">single_trade_query</param>
<param name="_input_charset">UTF-8</param>
<param name="trade_no">201xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7003</param>
<gmt_create>2019-09-10 14:08:34</gmt_create>
<gmt_last_modified_time>2019-09-10 14:08:38</gmt_last_modified_time>
<gmt_payment>2019-09-10 14:08:38</gmt_payment>
<subject>Mika's coffee shop</subject>
Request is failed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>