Construct orderStr
Request parameters
No | Name | Description | Type | Length | Required | Remarks | Sample |
1 | version | API version | string | 8 | Y | As per the respective API reference | 2.0.0 |
2 | function | API interface | string | 128 | Y | According to specifications defined by each business domain | |
3 | clientId | Client ID | string | 32 | Y | Provided by Alipay, which is used to identify partner and application system. | 4Q5XSH6SSG02T006 |
4 | reqTime | Request time | datetime | / | Y | DateTime with timezone, which follows the ISO-8601 standard. Refer to: RFC 3339 Section 5.6. | 2018-12-04T22:00:53-08:00 |
5 | reqMsgId | Request message ID | string | 64 | Y | Each request will be assigned with a unique ID (uuid). The reqMsgId identifies a unique system request, which is not used to identify a unique business request. | 2b76d599f8072d042b68bc2f43be4211 |
6 | reserve | Reserved for future implementation | string | 256 | N | Key/Value | {} |
No | Name | Description | Type | Length | Required | Remarks | Sample |
1 | merchantId | Merchant ID, which identifies the settlement target that Alipay would settle to. | string | 64 | Y | 2160400000002012 | |
2 | productCode | The product code | enums | 64 | Y | AGREEMENT_OR_CASHIER_PAY | |
3 | merchantTransId | Unique merchant transaction ID | string | 64 | Y | 201904030205425512477 | |
4 | order | The order information | Order | / | Y | The orderAmount should be provided in the smallest common currency unit. For example, to create a charge for $1.00, you would set orderAmount.value as 100 (100 cents). |
5 | settleContractId | The settlement contract ID. If not provided, the default settlement contract will be used. The merchant might want to be settled in different ways for different situations, each of which could be defined by a settlement contract. For example, a merchant could have a settlement contract for USD settlement while has another settlement contract for CAD settlement. | string | 64 | N | USD-1 | |
6 | riskInfo | Risk information. Highly recommend providing. | RiskInfo | / | N | { | |
7 | extendInfo | Reserved for extended information | string | 2048 | N | Key/Value. Note: the type of extendInfo is a string. See the example in the request sample. | {"productScene":"Prepay/Paybill"} |
8 | notifyUrl | Notify URL for a completed payment | string | 512 | N | ||
9 | returnUrl | Redirect URL after the payment finished | string | 512 | N | After payment is done, the result is returned to this URL via the URL redirection. | |