The merchant uses this interface to initiate an offline payment.
Request parameters
No | Name | Description | Type | Length | Required | Remarks | Sample |
1 | version | API version | string | 8 | ME | As per the respective API reference. | 2.0.0 |
2 | function | API interface | string | 128 | ME | According to specifications defined by each business domain. | alipay.intl.function |
3 | clientId | Client ID | string | 32 | ME | Provided by Alipay, used to identify partner and application system. | 211020000000000000044 |
4 | reqTime | Request time | datetime | / | M | DateTime with timezone, which follows the ISO-8601 standard. | 2001-07-04T12:08:56+05:30 |
5 | reqMsgId | Request message ID | string | 64 | ME | Each request will be assigned with a unique ID (uuid). | 1234567asdfasdf1123fda |
6 | reserve | Reserved for future implementation | string | 256 | O | Key/Value | {} |
No | Name | Description | Type | Length | Required | Remarks | Sample |
1 | merchantId | Merchant ID, which identifies the settlement target that Alipay would settle to. | stringĀ | 64 | M | 218820000000000000023 | |
2 | productCode | The product code | enum<ProductCodeEnum > | 64 | M | OFFLINE_PAY | |
3 | merchantTransIdĀ | Unique merchant transaction ID | string | 64 | ME | 51051001000000000002 | |
4 | codeType | The code type | enum<OfflineCodeTypeEnum > | 32 | M | BARCODE | |
5 | identityCode | Identity code | string | 65535 | M | 28763443825664394 | |
6 | order | The order information | Order | / | M | The orderAmount should be provided in the smallest common currency unit. For example, to create a charge for $1.00, you would set orderAmount.valueas100 (100 cents). | { |
7 | settleContractId | Settlement contract ID. | string | 64 | O | USD-1 | |
8 | envInfo | Device environment information of the user's current request. | EnvInfo | / | O | Ā | { |
9 | extendInfo | Reserved for extended information | string | 2048 | O | Key/Value | {"huabeiInstallment":{"installmentPlan":"3",Ā |
Request sample
"orderTitle":"Women Summer Dress",
"orderDetail":"New White Lace Sleeveless Cute Casual Summer Dresses Vestidos roupas femininas WQW10"
"deviceName":"Mike's iPhone",
"deviceModel":"iPhone 7 Plus",
"wirelessNetwork":"china unicom",
"wirelessCarrier":"china unicom",
"extendInfo":"{\"huabeiInstallment\":{\"installmentPlan\":\"3\", \"installmentFeeSellerContribution\":\"100\"}}"
"signature":"signature string"
Response parameters
No | Name | Description | Type | Length | Required | Remarks | Sample |
1 | version | API version | string | 8 | ME | As per the respective API reference. | 2.0.0 |
2 | function | API interface | string | 128 | ME | According to specifications defined by each business domain. | alipay.intl.function |
3 | clientId | Client ID | string | 32 | ME | Provided by Alipay, used to identify partner and application system. | 211020000000000000044 |
4 | respTime | Response time | datetime | / | M | DateTime with timezone, which follows the ISO-8601 standard.Ā | 2001-07-04T12:08:56+05:30 |
5 | reqMsgId | Request message ID | string | 64 | ME | Each request will be assigned with a unique ID (uuid). | 1234567asdfasdf1123fda |
6 | reserve | Reserved for future implementation | string | 256 | O | Key/Value | {} |
No | Name | Description | Type | Length | Required | Remarks | Sample |
1 | resultInfo | Result information | ResultInfo | / | M | { | |
2 | acquirementId | Unique Alipay transaction ID. Note: This field is required when resultInfo.resultCode is | string | 64 | C | 2015032412007101547201351234 | |
3 | merchantTransIdĀ | Unique merchant transaction ID. Note: This field is required when resultInfo.resultCode is | string | 64 | CE | 51051001000000001234 | |
4 | orderAmount | Order amount. Note: This field is required when resultInfo.resultCode is | Money | / | C | Should be exactly same as orderAmountĀ passed in the request | {"currency":"USD", "value":"239"} |
5 | payAmount | User actual paid amount. Note: This field is required when resultInfo.resultCode is | Money | / | C | May have different currency with orderAmount. | {"currency":"CNY", "value":"1481"} |
6 | conversionRate | The conversion rate. Note: This field is required when resultInfo.resultCode is | ExchangeRate | / | C | The exchage rate between orderAmount and payAmount. | { |
7 | createTime | The creation time of the transaction. Note: This field is required when resultInfo.resultCode is | datetime | / | C | DateTime with timezone, which follows the ISO-8601 standard.Ā | 2001-07-04T12:08:56+05:30 |
8 | userSite | The payment user site. Note: This field is required when resultInfo.resultCode is | enum<SiteEnum > | 64 | M | ALIPAY_CN | |
9 | userId | The user ID in the payment site | string | 64 | O | Not provided by default | 2088123456789012 |
10 | userLoginId | The login ID of the payment site. | string | 64 | O | Not provided by default. The login ID is provided in a masked format to protect customer privacy. | c*** |
11 | extendInfo | Reserved for extended information | string | 2048 | O | {"isEnterpriseUser":"true", "enterpriseUserName":"seller"} |
Response sample
"extendInfo":"{\"isEnterpriseUser\":\"true\", \"enterpriseUserName\":\"seller\"}"
"signature":"signature string"
Result codes
Functional logic result codes
No | ResultCodeId | ResultCode | ResultStatus | Remarks |
1 | 00000025 | REPEAT_REQ_INCONSISTENT | F | Repeated submit, and requests are inconsistent. |
2 | 00000011 | RISK_REJECT | F | Payment is declined by risk control. |
3 | QUERY_CONTRACT_VALUE_NULL | F | The query contract value is null. | |
4 | CONTRACT_STATUS_INVALID | F | The status of the contract is invalid. | |
5 | 12002005 | USER_NOT_EXIST | F | User does not exist |
6 | 12002006 | USER_STATUS_ABNORMAL | F | User status is not normal. |
7 | 12005001 | CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORT | F | Transaction currency is invalid. |
8 | 12005104 | AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMIT | F | The amount exceeds the limit. |
9 | 12005128 | COUNT_EXCEED_LIMIT | F | Count exceeds the limit. |
10 | 12006004 | USER_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH | F | User balance is not enough. |
11 | 12005131 | IDENTITY_CODE_INVALID | F | The identity code is invalid. |
12 | 12005132 | IDENTITY_CODE_NOT_SUPPORT | F | The format of identity code is NOT supported, e.g. the identity code is from an unsupported wallet.Ā |
13 | 12005124 | PAYMENT_IN_PROCESS | U | The payment is still under process. |
14 | 12005100 | ORDER_IS_CLOSED | F | The order status is closed.Ā |
15 | 12005003 | ORDER_STATUS_INVALID | F | The order status is invalid.Ā |
16 | 12002046 | USER_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMIT | F | User amount exceeds the limit. |
17 | 12002004 | USER_REALNAME_STATUS_INVALID | F | This user needs to complete real name validation. |
18 | 12002010 | USER_NO_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT | F | This user has no payment instrument. |
19 | 12002003 | USER_BALANCE_PAY_OFF | F | This user turns the basic payment capability off. |
Basic result codes
The following global result codes might be returned for all APIs.
No | ResultCodeId | ResultCode | ResultStatus | Remarks |
1 | 00000000 | SUCCESS | S | Success |
2 | 00000019 | PROCESS_FAIL | F | General business failure. No retry. |
3 | 00000901 | UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | U | API failed due to unknown reasons. |
4 | 00000004 | PARAM_ILLEGAL | F | Illegal parameters. For example, non-numeric input, invalid date. |
5 | 00000007 | INVALID_SIGNATURE | F | The signature is invalid. |
6 | 00000008 | KEY_NO_FOUND | F | The key is not found. |
7 | 00000013 | NO_INTERFACE_DEF | F | API is not defined, |
8 | 00000014 | API_IS_INVALID | F | API is invalid or not active, |
9 | 00000016 | OAUTH_FAILED | F | oAuth authentication failed. |
10 | 00000021 | ACCESS_DENIED | F | Access denied |
11 | 12014152 | CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_ACCESS_API | F | The client is not authorized to use this API. |
12 | 12014155 | UNKNOWN_CLIENT | F | Unknown client |
13 | 12014156 | INVALID_CLIENT_STATUS | F | Invalid client status |
14 | 00000024 | REQUEST_TRAFFIC_EXCEED_LIMIT | F | Request traffic exceeds the limit. |