Cashless voucher issue status file
No | Item | Value | Example |
1 | File Type | alipay.intl.promotion.voucher.file.voucherSendDetail | |
2 | File Version | 2.1.0 | |
3 | Provider | Alipay | |
4 | File format | csv | |
5 | Directory | /AlipayHK/vourcher_daily/<merchantId>/<BIZ_DATE>/ | /AlipayHK/vourcher_daily/21601200345678/20210525/ |
6 | Filename | <merchantId>_ALIPAY_VOUCHER_USE_DETAIL_HKD_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv | 21601200345678_ALIPAY_VOUCHER_SEND_DETAIL_HKD_20210525_160404.csv |
7 | Schedule | daily | |
8 | Remarks | The format of the date is YYYYMMDD. |
File body
No | Field | Type | Length | Required | Description | Sample |
1 | voucherId | string | 64 | M | Voucher ID | 2021011819050111540150009999900160350019673599 |
2 | templateId | string | 64 | M | The template of the voucher | 2020133319050111540217777888880160120030759111 |
3 | voucherType | string | 64 | M | The type of voucher | FIXED_VOUCHER |
4 | userId | string | 32 | M | AlipayHK user ID | 2160111122223333 |
5 | redemptionQuantity | number | 10 | M | The voucher quantity of fund in the order request. | 1 |
6 | voucherAmount | string | 10 | M | The voucher amount of fund in the order request. | 5.00 |
7 | currency | string | 32 | M | The voucher currency | HKD |
8 | redemptionTime | datetime | Redemption time | 2021-04-18 10:30:52 | ||
9 | redemptionChannel | string | 10 | M | Send channel | H5 |
File example
File name
File content
2021011819050111540150009999900160350019673599,2020133319050111540217777888880160120030759111,FIXED_VOUCHER,2160111122223333,1,5.00,HKD,2021-04-21 19:53:21,H5