Integration flow
You have already signed a contract with AlipayHK and allocated it with a MID and ClientId.
Interaction mode
Main steps
- Prepare transaction information on the server side (the following sample code is written in Node.js).
// Parameter details: See Section 3
// Here is an example. Please replace the following parameters with real transaction parameters in real use.
var sampleParams = {
method: '', // Payment API, fixed value ''.
partner: '2088101568358171', // Note: the contract partner's Alipay ID
seller_id: '2088101568358171', // Note: the contract seller's Alipay ID
out_trade_no:'ALIPAYTEST2016081622560194853', // Note: the unique trade transaction serial number in merchant's system.
subject: 'Merchandise subject',
body: 'Merchandise description',
total_fee: '0.1', // Payment amount
notify_url: '', // The url to which Alipay HK sends payment result in async mode.
payment_type: '1', // Payment type, fixed value '1'.
_input_charset: 'utf-8', // Character set of parameter code, fixed value 'utf-8'.
it_b_pay: '30m', // Transaction time-out auto close time. Decimal point is not supported for the parameter value. For example, 1.5h can be converted to 90m.
return_url: '', // The URL specified by merchant. After Alipay processed the request, users will be redirected from current page to the URL merchant specified. The value can be null.
payment_inst: 'ALIPAYHK', // Payment method on the merchandise lable. For example, ALIPAYHK. The value can be null.
currency: 'HKD', // Transaction currency type on the merchandise lable. For example, HKD.
product_code: 'NEW_WAP_OVERSEAS_SELLER', // Payment product type on the merchandise lable, fixed value 'NEW_WAP_OVERSEAS_SELLER'.
forex_biz: 'FP', //Foreign exchange business type, fixed value 'FP'.
payment_type: '1', //Payment type, fixed value '1'.
- Construct the request data on the server side (the following sample code is written in Node.js).
// The construction consists of the following steps. The the final request data is the string generated in the third step.
// Step 1,assemble the raw request parameters into a key=value&key=value pre-sign string.
var originOrderString = "method=\"\"&partner=\"2088101568358171\"&seller_id=\"2088101568358171\"&out_trade_no=\"ALIPAYTEST2016081622560194853\"&subject=\"Merchandise subject\"&body=\"Merchandise description\"&total_fee=\"0.1\"¬ify_url=\"\"&payment_type=\"1\"&_input_charset=\"utf-8\"&it_b_pay=\"30m\"&return_url=\"\"&payment_inst=\"ALIPAYHK\"¤cy=\"HKD\"&product_code=\"NEW_WAP_OVERSEAS_SELLER\"&forex_biz=\"FP\"&payment_type=\"1\""
// Step 2,Sign the step 1 generated pre-sign string. Note that the signature string should be generated by the server.
var sign = 'aueDw0PaUqVMvbiButPCmWy8VsNJIgNKRV4tDEz3mSgIpa5ODnZKVCd1GGCtu7hNzxnwLOiku+TRJUVM24aHkKWrdyBHECjkUBvrziWiZBESLCyJPwT1YHGnioRUhLvL1MqTTm85urPeqAUUir4UyxyWowHitjkxh3ru6nSLkLU=';
// Step 3, Encode the signature of the request string, encode it by using the function `encodeURIComponent` to get the final request string. The encoding format is based on the charset in the request string. If no charset is passed in, use UTF-8 instead.
var orderStr = "method=\"\"&partner=\"2088101568358171\"&seller_id=\"2088101568358171\"&out_trade_no=\"ALIPAYTEST2016081622560194853\"&subject=\"商品名稱\"&body=\"商品描述信息\"&total_fee=\"0.1\"¬ify_url=\"\"&payment_type=\"1\"&_input_charset=\"utf-8\"&it_b_pay=\"30m\"&return_url=\"\"&payment_inst=\"ALIPAYHK\"¤cy=\"HKD\"&product_code=\"NEW_WAP_OVERSEAS_SELLER\"&forex_biz=\"FP\"&payment_type=\"1\"&sign=\"aueDw0PaUqVMvbiButPCmWy8VsNJIgNKRV4tDEz3mSgIpa5ODnZKVCd1GGCtu7hNzxnwLOiku+TRJUVM24aHkKWrdyBHECjkUBvrziWiZBESLCyJPwT1YHGnioRUhLvL1MqTTm85urPeqAUUir4UyxyWowHitjkxh3ru6nSLkLU\"=&sign_type=\"MD5\"";
- Arouse payment with
in the mini program.
orderStr: 'method=\"\"&partner=\"2088101568358171\"&seller_id=\"2088101568358171\"&out_trade_no=\"ALIPAYTEST2016081622560194853\"&subject=\"商品名稱\"&body=\"商品描述信息\"&total_fee=\"0.1\"¬ify_url=\"\"&payment_type=\"1\"&_input_charset=\"utf-8\"&it_b_pay=\"30m\"&return_url=\"\"&payment_inst=\"ALIPAYHK\"¤cy=\"HKD\"&product_code=\"NEW_WAP_OVERSEAS_SELLER\"&forex_biz=\"FP\"&payment_type=\"1\"&sign=\"aueDw0PaUqVMvbiButPCmWy8VsNJIgNKRV4tDEz3mSgIpa5ODnZKVCd1GGCtu7hNzxnwLOiku+TRJUVM24aHkKWrdyBHECjkUBvrziWiZBESLCyJPwT1YHGnioRUhLvL1MqTTm85urPeqAUUir4UyxyWowHitjkxh3ru6nSLkLU\"=&sign_type=\"MD5\"',
success: (res) => {
content: JSON.stringify(res),
fail: (res) => {
content: JSON.stringify(res),