Base API
Use this interface to send performance notification service request to AlipayHK.
General Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Client-Id | An ID provided by AlipayHK, used to identify partner and application system. | String | 4Q5Y8W0WSG45P907917 |
Content-Type | The RFC 2616 media type of the request body, the charset should be as same as the one used for cryptographic operations. | String | application/json; charset=UTF-8 |
Signature | A key-value pairs string separated by commas (,), which keys and values are joined by equal signs (key=value). Valid keys include:
| String | algorithm=RSA256,keyVersion=1,signature=KEhXthj4bJ801Hqw8kaLvEKc0Rii8KsNUazw7kZgjxyGSPuOZ48058UVJUkkR21iD9JkHBGR rWiHPae8ZRPuBagh2H3qu7fxY5GxVDWayJUhUYkr9m%2FOW4UQVmXaQ9yn%2Fw2dCtzwAW0htPHYrKMyrT pMk%2BfDDmRflA%2FAMJhQ71yeyhufIA2PCJV8%2FCMOa46303A0WHhH0YPJ9%2FI0UeLVMWlJ1XcBo3Jr bRFvcowQwt0lP1XkoPmSLGpBevDE8%2FQ9WnxjPNDfrHnKgV2fp0hpMKVXNM%2BrLHNyMv3MkHg9iTMOD% 2FFYDAwSd%2B6%2FEOFo9UbdlKcmodJwjKlQoxZZIzmF8w%3D%3D |
Encrypt | when message content needs to be encrypted. A key-value pairs string separated by commas (,), which keys and values are joined by equal signs (key=value). Valid keys include:
| String | algorithm=RSA_AES,keyVersion=1,symmetricKey=bqS8HSmdaRrpKSuPy7CqUlyd8lJurG93 |
Request-only Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Request-Time | The ISO-8601 datetime of this API request with timezone. | String | 2024-05-22T06:42:21+05:30 |
Response-only Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Response-Time | The ISO-8601 datetime of this API response with timezone. | String | 2024-05-22T06:42:21+05:30 |
Tracer-Id | An ID for tracing this request. | String | abcdefg135202000000000263818 |
Request parameters
bizDate number REQUIRED
Business event occurrence timestamp, used for sequential control of order status or rapidly changing data to prevent disorder.
command string REQUIRED
Operation commands for performance notifications, valid input includes:
- Generates a new notification if not exists or invalid
- Returns
- Updates information of notification if exists and valid
- Ignores if notification is invalid
- Returns
merchantBizNo string REQUIRED
Order ID of your system.
Must be consistent to reference the same notification.
orderStatus string REQUIRED
Status of the order.
Please refer to each business scenario.
productTemplateCode string REQUIRED
A notification template code provided by AlipayHK.
requestId string REQUIRED
An unique request ID (uuid) to identify this API request.
syncDataInfo SyncDataInfo REQUIRED
An extended object information for updating the notification.
endDate number
A timestamp indicates the expiry date of notification, 24 hours from first order status created by default.
openId string
Authorization ID of AlipayHK user for merchant.
to provide either
userId string
ID of AlipayHK user.
to provide either
Response parameters
result Result REQUIRED
A metadata object indicates the result of the request.
Result/Error codes
Code | Value | Message |
SUCCESS | S | Success |
ORDER_NOT_FOUND | F | The merchantBizNo is invalid. |
ORDER_STATUS_INVALID | F | Order status is invalid, please refer to the relevant business scenario. |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | F | Request is invalid, usually missing parameters. |
UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | F | Unknown exception, please check with support. |
UN_SUPPORT_BUSINESS | F | Service is not available, please check with support. |