1. Create Merchant’s Membership Card
General Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Client-Id | An ID provided by AlipayHK, used to identify partner and application system. | String | 4Q5Y8W0WSG45P907917 |
Content-Type | The RFC 2616 media type of the request body, the charset should be as same as the one used for cryptographic operations. | String | application/json; charset=UTF-8 |
Signature | A key-value pairs string separated by commas (,), which keys and values are joined by equal signs (key=value). Valid keys include:
| String | algorithm=RSA256, keyVersion=1, signature=KEhXthj4bJ801Hqw8kaLvEKc0Rii8KsNUazw7kZgjxyGSPuOZ48058UVJUkkR21iD9JkHBGR rWiHPae8ZRPuBagh2H3qu7fxY5GxVDWayJUhUYkr9m%2FOW4UQVmXaQ9yn%2Fw2dCtzwAW0htPHYrKMyrT pMk%2BfDDmRflA%2FAMJhQ71yeyhufIA2PCJV8%2FCMOa46303A0WHhH0YPJ9%2FI0UeLVMWlJ1XcBo3Jr bRFvcowQwt0lP1XkoPmSLGpBevDE8%2FQ9WnxjPNDfrHnKgV2fp0hpMKVXNM%2BrLHNyMv3MkHg9iTMOD% 2FFYDAwSd%2B6%2FEOFo9UbdlKcmodJwjKlQoxZZIzmF8w%3D%3D |
Encrypt | when message content needs to be encrypted. A key-value pairs string separated by commas (,), which keys and values are joined by equal signs (key=value). Valid keys include:
| String | algorithm=RSA, keyVersion=1, symmetricKey=bqS8HSmdaRrpKSuPy7CqUlyd8lJurG93 |
Request-only Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Request-Time | The ISO-8601 datetime of this API request with timezone. | String | 2024-05-22T06:42:21+05:30 |
Response-only Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Response-Time | The ISO-8601 datetime of this API response with timezone. | String | 2024-05-22T06:42:21+05:30 |
Tracer-Id | An ID for tracing this request. | String | abcdefg135202000000000263818 |
Request parameters
mobileNo string
Mobile number user used to login AlipayHK.
to provide either
or userEmail
userEmail string
Email address user used to login AlipayHK.
to provide either
userId string REQUIRED
An unique user ID referencing each AlipayHK user, starts with 2160.
pointsSubjectId string REQUIRED
An unique ID referencing your system which owns the membership card.
createCardRecordId string REQUIRED
An unique ID referencing the membership card creation record in AlipayHK.
createCardChannel string
: create card through AlipayHKCN_CREATE_CARD
: create card through AlipayCN
for Cross-Border scenario.
passId string
An unique ID referencing the membership card creation record in AlipayCN.
for Cross-Border scenario, return this value in the response.
userSupplementaryInfo SupplementaryInfo REQUIRED
The customized information required to create membership card, please refer to the template you submitted to AlipayHK.
We will first call this API with "null"
, and you should return error NEED_SUPPLY_USER_INFORMATION
if user information is not found, we will then prompt user to input user information and request again with the information.
extendInfo string REQUIRED
Extended information for AlipayHK to identify the record.
Use this value in the /createPass interface.
Response parameters
result Result REQUIRED
A metadata object indicates the result of the request.
memberCardInfo MemberCardInfo
Information of the membership card.
for Cross-Border scenario.
openCardExtInfo JSONString
Additional information of the membership card.
Escape the JSON to JSONString.
Result/Error codes
Code | Value | Message |
SUCCESS | S | Success |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | F | Please check the parameters of request. |
INVALID_LOGIN_LABEL | F | Do not support registration using this login label. |
DUPULICATED_LOGIN_LABEL | F | This login label has been registered by another user. |
FROZEN_USER | F | The account has been frozen by Merchant. User needs to contact Merchant side to unlock the account |
UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | U | API failed due to unknown reason, please check with support. |
NEED_SUPPLY_USER_INFORMATION | F | More information is needed. |
Error Message Display on AlipayHK app
Code | Value | Message |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | English | Unable to activate merchant membership card. Please try again later. Contact the merchant for more information. |
INVALID_LOGIN_LABEL | English | Unable to activate merchant membership using AlipayHK login via email. Please change your AlipayHK login method to phone number and try activating merchant membership again. |
DUPULICATED_LOGIN_LABEL | English | This account has already been registered for the merchant's loyalty program. Please contact the merchant for assistance. |
FROZEN_USER | English | This account has been suspended by the merchant. Please contact the merchant for assistance. |
UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | English | Unable to quickly activate membership using AlipayHK account. Please contact the merchant directly. |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | Chinese | 無法開通商戶會員卡,請稍後再試。如有更多問題請聯絡商戶查詢。 |
INVALID_LOGIN_LABEL | Chinese | 未能成功以 AlipayHK 登入電郵開通商戶會員,請將 AlipayHK 登入方式更換為手機號碼,然後重新開通商戶會員。 |
DUPULICATED_LOGIN_LABEL | Chinese | 此賬號已註冊過商戶的會員計劃,請聯絡商戶處理 |
FROZEN_USER | Chinese | 此賬號已被商戶凍結,請聯絡商戶處理 |
UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | Chinese | 無法以AlipayHK賬號快速開通會員,請直接聯絡商戶。 |