1. Create Merchant’s Membership Card
POST /{Merchant’s tag}/points/membercard/create
Sample: https://hk-api.merchant.com/merchant/api/alipayhk/points/membercard/create
Provide this interface for AlipayHK to create membership in your system.
Please check API Structure for basics.
General Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Client-Id | An ID provided by AlipayHK, used to identify partner and application system. | String | 4Q5Y8W0WSG45P907917 |
Content-Type | The RFC 2616 media type of the request body, the charset should be as same as the one used for cryptographic operations. | String | application/json; charset=UTF-8 |
Signature | A key-value pairs string separated by commas (,), which keys and values are joined by equal signs (key=value). Valid keys include:
| String | algorithm=RSA256, keyVersion=1, signature=KEhXthj4bJ801Hqw8kaLvEKc0Rii8KsNUazw7kZgjxyGSPuOZ48058UVJUkkR21iD9JkHBGR rWiHPae8ZRPuBagh2H3qu7fxY5GxVDWayJUhUYkr9m%2FOW4UQVmXaQ9yn%2Fw2dCtzwAW0htPHYrKMyrT pMk%2BfDDmRflA%2FAMJhQ71yeyhufIA2PCJV8%2FCMOa46303A0WHhH0YPJ9%2FI0UeLVMWlJ1XcBo3Jr bRFvcowQwt0lP1XkoPmSLGpBevDE8%2FQ9WnxjPNDfrHnKgV2fp0hpMKVXNM%2BrLHNyMv3MkHg9iTMOD% 2FFYDAwSd%2B6%2FEOFo9UbdlKcmodJwjKlQoxZZIzmF8w%3D%3D |
Encrypt | when message content needs to be encrypted. A key-value pairs string separated by commas (,), which keys and values are joined by equal signs (key=value). Valid keys include:
| String | algorithm=RSA, keyVersion=1, symmetricKey=bqS8HSmdaRrpKSuPy7CqUlyd8lJurG93 |
Request-only Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Request-Time | The ISO-8601 datetime of this API request with timezone. | String | 2024-05-22T06:42:21+05:30 |
Response-only Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Response-Time | The ISO-8601 datetime of this API response with timezone. | String | 2024-05-22T06:42:21+05:30 |
Tracer-Id | An ID for tracing this request. | String | abcdefg135202000000000263818 |
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
createCardChannel | for Cross-Border scenario. Valid value include
| String | "HK_CREATE_CARD" |
createCardRecordId | An unique ID referencing the membership card creation record in AlipayHK. | String | |
extendInfo | Extended information for AlipayHK to identify the record. **Use this value in the /createPass interface. | String | { "createCardRecordId": "111", "uid": "222", "mid": "333" } |
mobileNo | if user logins AlipayHK with mobile number, otherwise empty.
Either mobileNo or userEmail must be provided. | String | "852-12345678" |
passId | for Cross-Border scenario. An unique ID referencing the membership card creation record in AlipayCN. **Return this value in the response. | String | |
pointsSubjectId | An unique ID referencing your system which owns the membership card. | String | |
userEmail | if user logins AlipayHK with email address, otherwise empty. Either mobileNo or userEmail must be provided. | String | "sample@alipayhk.com" |
userId | An unique user ID referencing each AlipayHK user, starts with 2160. | String | "2160XXXXXXXXXXXX" |
userSupplementaryInfo | The customized information required to create membership card, please refer to the template you submitted to AlipayHK. | See reference. |
SupplementaryInfo (For AlipayHK)
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
birthDate | Birthday of the user in "YYYY-MM-dd" format. | String | "2005-10-01" |
city | City of the user. | String | |
customerEmail | Register email of the user. | String | |
firstName | First name of the user. | String | |
gender | Gender of the user | String | "M" |
lastName | Last name of the user. | String | |
residentAddress | Address of the user. | String | |
referralCode | Referral code of this registration. | String | |
referrerId | Referrer ID of this registration. | String | |
title | Title of the user. | String | "Mr" |
SupplementaryInfo (For Cross-Border / AlipayCN)
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
birthDate | Birthday date of the user. | String | "10-01" |
city | City of the user. | String | |
customerEmail | Contact email of the user. | String | |
gender | Gender of the user. | String | "男" |
mobileNo | The mobile number of the user. | String | "13800000000" |
name | Full name of the user. | String | "Chris Cai" |
"mobileNo": "852-11111111",
"userEmail": "alipayhk@sample.com",
"userId": "2160000000",
"pointsSubjectId": "121312313123",
"createCardRecordId": "1231312312313",
"passId": "000001",
"createCardChannel": "HK_CREATE_CARD",
"userSupplementaryInfo": "{\"birthDate\":\"1993-01-01\",\"city\":\"香港\",\"customerEmail\":\"abc@qq.com\",\"firstName\":\"火\",\"gender\":\"男\",\"lastName\":\"花\",\"referralCode\":\"推荐码ABC\",\"referrerId\":\"推荐人10086\",\"residentAddress\":\"详细地址\",\"title\":\"先生\"}",
"extendInfo": "{\"createCardRecordId\":\"2024011219056122400090000000000160190000586318\"}"
"mobileNo": "852-11111111",
"userEmail": "alipayhk@sample.com",
"userId": "2160000000",
"pointsSubjectId": "121312313123",
"createCardRecordId": "1231312312313",
"userSupplementaryInfo": "null",
"extendInfo": "{\"createCardRecordId\":\"2024011219056122400090000000000160190000586318\"}"
Please check API Structure for basics.
Response-only Headers
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
Response-Time | The ISO-8601 datetime of this API response with timezone. | String | 2024-05-22T06:42:21+05:30 |
Tracer-Id | An ID for tracing this request. | String | abcdefg135202000000000263818 |
Please check API Structure for basics.
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
result | A metadata object indicates the result of the request. | See example below. |
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
resultCode | The status code of this result, used for troubleshooting. | String | "SUCCESS" |
resultStatus | The status of this request. | String | "S" |
resultMessage | A description message of the result. | String | "success" |
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
memberCardInfo | for Cross-Border scenario. Information of the membership card. | See reference. | |
openCardExtInfo | Extra Information for creating member card, required for cross-border scenario. | String (OpenCardExtInfo) | {\"is_new_member\":\"true\"} |
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
externalCardNo | ID of the membership card. | String | "EXT0001" |
level | Level of the membership card. | String | "VIP1" |
openDate | Creation date of the membership card in "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format. | String | "2014-02-20 21:20:46" |
passId | An unique ID referencing the membership card creation record in AlipayCN. **Use the value in the request.
| String | "000001" |
point | Number of membership points in the card. | String | "88" |
templateId | Merchant card template ID in AlipayCN. | String | "20170308000000000058101000300045" |
userId | An unique user ID referencing each AlipayHK user, starts with 2160. | String | "216013131313" |
validDate | Expiry date of the membership card in "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format.. | String | "2014-02-20 21:20:46" |
Name | Description | Type | Sample |
is_new_member | "true" or "false" value, indicates if the user is a new member in your system. | String | "true" |
Result Code
resultCode | resultStatus | resultMessage | Description | Error Message Display on AlipayHK APP |
SUCCESS | S | success | API call successfully | NA |
PARAM_ILLEGAL | F | Illegal parameters. For example, non-numeric input, invalid date. | Parameter illegal. Please make sure the API parameters meed the requirements on this document | English: Unable to activate merchant membership card. Please try again later. Contact the merchant for more information. Chinese: 無法開通商戶會員卡,請稍後再試。如有更多問題請聯絡商戶查詢。 |
INVALID_LOGIN_LABEL | F | Do not support registration using this login label. | Can't create thee membership card using the fields send to the Merchant side. | English: Unable to activate merchant membership using AlipayHK login via email. Please change your AlipayHK login method to phone number and try activating merchant membership again. Chinese: 未能成功以 AlipayHK 登入電郵開通商戶會員,請將 AlipayHK 登入方式更換為手機號碼,然後重新開通商戶會員。 |
DUPULICATED_LOGIN_LABEL | F | This login label has been registered by another user. | The mobile no. or Email address has been bound to another Merchantship acount already | English: This account has already been registered for the merchant's loyalty program. Please contact the merchant for assistance. Chinese: 此賬號已註冊過商戶的會員計劃,請聯絡商戶處理 |
FROZEN_USER | F | The user account is frozen. | The account has been locked by Merchant. User needs to contact Merchant side to unlock the account | English: This account has been suspended by the merchant. Please contact the merchant for assistance. Chinese: 此賬號已被商戶凍結,請聯絡商戶處理 |
UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | U | API failed due to unknown reason. | Request timeout or failed due to unknown reason | English: Unable to quickly activate membership using AlipayHK account. Please contact the merchant directly. Chinese: 無法以AlipayHK賬號快速開通會員,請直接聯絡商戶。 |
NEED_SUPPLY_USER_INFORMATION | F | Need to provide more information | Need to provide more information | NA |
"result": {
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "success.",
"resultStatus": "S"
"memberCardInfo": {
"userId": "216013131",
"passId": "000001",
"externalCardNo": "EXT0001",
"templateId": "20170308000000000058101000300045",
"openDate": "2000-01-01 21:20:46",
"validDate": "2100-02-20 21:20:46",
"level": "VIP1",
"point": "88"
"openCardExtInfo": "{\"is_new_member\":\"true\"}"
"result": {
"resultCode": "PARAM_ILLEGAL",
"resultMessage": "错误信息",
"resultStatus": "F"
"result": {
"resultCode": "PROCESS_FAIL",
"resultMessage": "API failed due to unknown reason.",
"resultStatus": "U"