B. Member card
1. Issue or Bind a Member card in Merchant Mini Program
AlipayHK users can login AlipayHK APP, navigate to the Merchant Mini Program, authorize the Mini Program to access user account information. Then, users can fill in their information to issue a new or bind an existing member card via the registration process. Upon the process is completed, you may push the member card into AlipayHK Card Wallet.
2. To use the member card in AlipayHK
To access the member card in AlipayHK wallet, you can login AlipayHK APP, navigate to Member Card Wallet in the right-top corner of the APP. In member card wallet, it will list out all member cards you owned, and you can select the one you needed to present the QR code/barcode for membership verification in merchant's POS cashier. After the verification is completed, you can click the payment button in the same page to complete the payment process by present the payment QR code in AlipayHK.