Call this interface to cancel a transaction. If the transaction is unpaid, the transaction will be closed. If the transaction is paid, the transaction will be refunded.
Service address
Environment | HTTPS request URL |
Production environment | |
Test environment |
If you use POST method, please specify the _input_charset in the request URL. For example,
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Basic parameter | |
service String | Interface name
partner String(16) | The partner ID that is assigned by Alipay to identify an Alipay account. The partner ID is composed of 16 digits and begins with 2088.
_input_charset String | The charset with which the request data is encoded. UTF-8, GBK, and GB2312 are supported.
sign_type String | Sign type. RSA, RSA2 and MD5 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String | Sign value
timestamp String | The time when the merchant server sends the request, which is accurate to millisecond.
terminal_timestamp String | The time when the terminal sends the request. The value is accurate to the millisecond.
Business parameter | |
out_trade_no String(64) | The unique transaction ID that is assigned by the merchant. If the ID is duplicated with out_trade_no of a previous transaction, the payment fails and an error message is returned to indicate the payment is duplicated.
trade_no String(64) | The serial number assigned by Alipay to identify a trade in the Alipay system, with a length in the range 16 - 64 bits. If out_trade_no and trade_no appear at the same time, trade_no takes precedence.
- If the length range of the field is not specified, the Alipay system will not check the length of the field.
- Do not use the halfwidth quotation mark (") in the value of the field.
Synchronous response
Parameter | Description |
Basic parameter | |
is_success String | Indicates whether the request succeeds or not, with a value of T for success or F for failure. Note: a successful request does not mean the business is accepted and processed successfully.
sign_type String | Sign type. RSA, RSA2 and MD5 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String | Sign value
error String | Error code that is returned when the request is failed to describe the request failure reason. For more information, see the Error Code section in this document.
Business parameter | |
result_code String(32) | Processing result of the cancel request, with a value of SUCCESS to indicate the cancellation is successful, FAIL to indicate the cancellation is failed, or UNKNOWN to indicate an unknown result.
trade_no String(64) | The serial number assigned by Alipay to identify a trade in the Alipay system, with a length in the range 16 - 64 bits. If out_trade_no and trade_no appear at the same time, trade_no takes precedence.
out_trade_no String(64) | The unique transaction ID that is assigned by the merchant. This parameter is transmitted by the corresponding request and needs to be returned with the original value.
retry_flag String(1) | Indicates whether the failed cancellation is caused by a retryable error. The value can be Y for a retryable error or N for a non-retryable error.
action String(10) | Indicates how to perform the cancellation. The value can be one of the following items:
detail_error_code String(48) | Detailed error code, which describes the reason for not receiving a result_code of SUCCESS. If the response code of result_code is SUCCESS, this parameter is not returned.
detail_error_des String(64) | Explanation of the detailed error code. If result_code is SUCCESS, this parameter is not returned.
The synchronous response might have more parameters due to the upgrade on the Alipay server side. You can ignore parameters that are not included in this API document.
Error codes
Error code | Description |
SYSTEM_ERROR | Alipay system is not available in this moment. Action: Retry this request with the exact parameters. See Case 2 for detailed instruction. |
ILLEGAL_SIGN | Illegal signature. Action: Retry to send the request with a legal signature. |
INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid parameter entered. Action: Check the value of requirements of each parameter according to the API document and enter valid parameters to try again. |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | Illegal argument. Action: Check each request parameter according to the API document. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER | Incorrect partner ID. Action: Ensure the value of the partner field matches the value provided by Alipay. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
ILLEGAL_EXTERFACE | Interface configuration error. Action: Ensure that service parameters are entered correctly according to the API document. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER_EXTERFACE | Partner ID does not have the access privilege. Action: Ensure that your agreement with Alipay has been finalized. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
ILLEGAL_SIGN_TYPE | Illegal sign type. Action: Ensure that the value of sign_type is MD5, RSA, or RSA2. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
HAS_NO_PRIVILEGE | No privilege. Action: Contact Alipay technical support for help. |
REASON_TRADE_BEEN_FREEZEN | Corresponding trade was frozen due to security issues. Action: Contact Alipay technical support for help. |
TRADE_NOT_EXIST | The corresponding trade specified by the value of partner_trans_id doesn't exist. Action: Ensure that the value of partner_trans_id is correct. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
TRADE_STATUS_ERROR | The trade status is not allowed for the current operation. Action: Ensure that the trade status is correct. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
BUYER_ERROR | The buyer does not exist. Action: Contact Alipay technical support for help. |
BUYER_ENABLE_STATUS_FORBID | Buyer account status prohibits the refund. Action: Contact Alipay technical support for help. |
SELLER_ERROR | The seller does not exist. Action: Contact Alipay technical support for help. |
MERCHANT_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH | Merchant balance is not enough for refund. Action: Try again later after new transactions occur. |
TRADE_CANCEL_TIME_OUT | The cancellation request is beyond the opening hours. Action: Call the refund interface instead. |
SELLER_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH | Insufficient balance of seller. Action: Try again later after new transactions occur. |
REASON_TRADE_REFUND_FEE_ERR | Invalid refund amount. Action: Contact Alipay technical support for help. |
TRADE_HAS_FINISHED | Transaction completed. Action: Use the refund interface to initiate a refund request instead. |
REFUND_CHARGE_ERROR | The refund was failed because the payment is in progress. Action: Try again later. |
Result handling
Case 1. When the invocation is failed due to network issue or request timeout, no response is returned from Alipay. Take the following actions:
- Check your network connectivity to Alipay gateway. Retry (every 3 seconds, up to 5 times.) this request with correct parameters until you get a response from Alipay.
- If you still cannot get any response from Alipay, contact Alipay technical support for help.
Case 2. If you received the response from Alipay, but one of the following results is returned:
- is_success=F and error=SYSTEM_ERROR
- is_success=T, result_code=FAIL, and detail_error_code=SYSTEM_ERROR
- is_success=T and result_code=UNKNOWN.
Take the following actions:
- Retry (every 3 seconds, up to 5 times.) this request with correct parameters until you get a response from Alipay.
- If you still cannot get any response from Alipay, contact Alipay technical support for help.
Case 3. If you received the response from Alipay, and is_success=T and result_code=SUCCESS. The merchant cancelled the order successfully.
Case 4. If you received the response from Alipay, and one of the following results is returned:
- is_success=F and error=!SYSTEM_ERROR
- is_success=T and result_code=FAIL and detail_error_code!=SYSTEM_ERROR.
The merchant failed to cancel the order. Refer to specific error code for instruction.
Pseudo code:
if(isCase3){ //CASE 3
else if(isCase4){ //CASE 4
else{ //CASE 2
retrySuccess = retryWithSameParameters(); //Retry every 3 seconds, up to 5 times.
//request Alipay tech support.
}catch (Exception ex){ // CASE 1
retrySuccess = retryWithSameParameters(); //Retry every 3 seconds, up to 5 times.
//request Alipay tech support.
Request sample with the out_trade_no field specified
Request sample with the trade_no field specified
Business is accepted and processed normally, and cancellation is conducted successfully:
<param name="partner">208xxxxxxxxx8155</param>
<param name="service">alipay.acquire.cancel</param>
<param name="_input_charset">UTF-8</param>
<param name="sign">7288cd48af8091b31c3c4cdc768ef5bd</param>
<param name="trade_no">201xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7325</param>
<param name="sign_type">MD5</param>
Request succeeds, but the business processing fails:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<param name="sign">66b3a14ec95846f01d42564e6953c81b</param>
<param name="_input_charset">UTF-8</param>
<param name="sign_type">MD5</param>
<param name="service">alipay.acquire.cancel</param>
<param name="partner">2088101126765726</param>
<param name="out_trade_no">99003911198989</param>
<param name="timestamp">1456507705033</param>
<detail_error_des>illegal trade status</detail_error_des>
Request fails or the data accessed are incorrect:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>