Call this interface to query the transaction with partner_trans_id or alipay_trans_id.
Service address
Environment | HTTPS request URL |
Production environment |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Basic parameter | |
service String Required | Interface name
sign String Required | Sign value
sign_type String Required | Sign type. RSA and RSA2 are supported. Use uppercase.
partner String(16) Required | The partner ID that is assigned by Alipay to identify an Alipay account. The partner ID is composed of 16 digits and begins with 2088 or 2160.
_input_charset String | The charset with which the request data is encoded. The default value is GBK. UTF-8 is supported.
Operation parameter | |
partner_trans_id String(64) Required | The original partner transaction ID given in the payment request
alipay_trans_id String(64) | The transaction ID assigned by Alipay for the partner’s payment request, which follows a mapping relation with the partner field plus the partner_trans_id field.
Do not use the halfwidth quotation mark (") in parameter values.
Parameter | Description |
is_success String(1) Required | Indicates whether the request is accepted by the Alipay gateway. T: accepted F: rejected
sign_type String Required | Sign type. RSA and RSA2 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String(32) Required | Sign value
payment_inst String(32) Required | This parameter identifies the wallet type with a value of ALIPAYCN or ALIPAYHK.
result_code String(32) Required | Processing result of the request, with a value of SUCCESS to indicate the process is successful, or FAIL to indicate the process is failed.
error String(48) | Error code that is returned when the request is not successful, to describe the request failure reason. This field is not returned when result_code is SUCCESS. For more information, see the Error Code section in this document.
alipay_trans_status String(32) | Transaction status. See Trade status for details.
alipay_buyer_login_id String(20) | Alipay login ID of the buyer, which can be an email address or mobile number. The ID is partially masked for privacy.
alipay_buyer_user_id String(16) Required | The unique ID for each Alipay account, which starts with 2088.
partner_trans_id String(64) Required | Equal to the partner_trans_id field given in the request
alipay_trans_id String(64) | The transaction ID assigned by Alipay for the partner’s payment request, which follows a mapping relation with the partner field plus the partner_trans_id field.
alipay_pay_time String(16) | The time that the transaction was paid, which is in a format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
currency String(8) Required | The currency used for labeling the price of the transaction
trans_amount Number(11,2) | The transaction amount in the currency given above. Range: 0.01-100000000.00. Two digits after decimal point.
m_discount_forex_amount Number(9,2) | If coupons/vouchers are used in the transaction, the discount amount redeemed in the settlement currency will be returned. Otherwise, no return.
Parameters rejected by Alipay gateway:
Parameter | Description |
is_success String(1) | Indicates whether the request is accepted by the Alipay gateway. T: accepted F: rejected
sign_type String | Sign type. RSA and RSA2 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String(32) | Sign value
detail_error_code String(48) | Detailed error code, which describes the reason for the response code returned. If the response code of result_code is SUCCESS, this parameter is not returned.
detail_error_des String(48) | Explanation of the detailed error code. If result_code is SUCCESS, this parameter is not returned.
Error codes
Error code | Description |
SYSTEM_ERROR | Alipay system is currently not available. Try again later. |
ILLEGAL_SIGN | Illegal signature. Use a legal signature and try again. |
INVALID_PARAMETER | Parameter value error. Check the standard of each request parameter according to the API speficaition |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | Parameter name error. Check each request parameter according to the API specification. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER | Incorrect partner ID. Ensure that the value of partner parameter matches the partner value provided by Alipay. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
ILLEGAL_EXTERFACE | Interface configure error. Ensure that the service parameter has the same value with the one in API specification. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER_EXTERFACE | Partner ID do not have access privilege. Contact Alipay technical support. |
ILLEGAL_SIGN_TYPE | Illegal sign type. Ensure that the value of sign_type is MD5, RSA or RSA2. Contact Alipay technical support if this error persists |
HAS_NO_PRIVILEGE | Has no privilege. Contact Alipay technical support. |
REASON_TRADE_BEEN_FREEZEN | Corresponding trade is been frozen due to security issues. Contact Alipay technical support. |
TRADE_NOT_EXIST | Cannot find corresponding trade according to the value of partner_trans_id. Ensure the partner_trans_id is correct. Contact Alipay technical support |
Request sample with the partner_trans_id field specified:
Request sample with the alipay_trans_id field specified:
Request succeeds:
<param name="alipay_trans_id">201xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7760</param>
<param name="partner">2160xxxxxxxx5500</param>
<param name="service">alipay.acquire.overseas.query</param>
<param name="_input_charset">UTF-8</param>
<param name="sign">dfe37d7737e59cedc5bb094b404d815a</param>
<param name="sign_type">RSA2</param>
Request is failed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>