Call this interface to modify the status of the QR code.
Service address
Environment | HTTPS request URL |
Production environment | |
Test environment |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Basic parameter | |
service String Required | Interface name
partner String(16) Required | The partner ID that is assigned by Alipay to identify an Alipay account. The partner ID is composed of 16 digits and begins with 2088.
_input_charset String Required | The charset with which the request data is encoded. UTF-8, GBK, and GB2312 are supported.
sign_type String Required | Sign type. MD5, RSA, RSA2 are supported. Use uppercase.
sign String Required | Sign value
timestamp String Required | The time ( Beijing Time) of calling the interface, and the call will expire in a certime time (default 30 minutes). The time format is :yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss。
notify_url URL(200) | The URL for receiving asynchronous notifications after the payment is completed.
Business parameter | |
biz_type String Required | Business type that is defined by Alipay, with a value of OVERSEASHOPQRCODE
qrcode String Required | The returned QR code value after the code is generated successfully.
status String Required | QR code status. The value can be one of the following item:
Do not use halfwidth quotation mark (") in parameter values.
Synchronous response
Parameter | Description |
is_success String Required | Indicates whether the request succeeds or not, with a value of T for success and F for failure. Note: a successful request does not mean the business is accepted and processed successfully.
sign_type String | Sign type
sign String | Sign value
error String | Error code that is returned when the request is not successful, to describe the request failure reason. If the request is successful, this field is not returned. For more information, see the Error Code section in this document.
Business parameter | |
qrcode String Required | QR code
Error codes
Business errors
Error code | Description |
AE_BARCODE_GENERAL_CODE_FAIL_AND_RETRY | Modifying a QR code is failed. You can try to modify the QR code again. |
AE_BARCODE_GENERAL_CODE_FAIL_AND_NOT_RETRY | Modifying a QR code failed. You can try to modify the QR code again. |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | Parameter error, check and then retry. |
System errors
Error code | Description |
ILLEGAL_SIGN | Invalid signature |
ILLEGAL_DYN_MD5_KEY | Invalid dynamic key |
ILLEGAL_ENCRYPT | Invalid encryption |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | Invalid argument |
ILLEGAL_SERVICE | Invalid service name |
ILLEGAL_USER | Invalid user ID |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER | Invalid partner ID |
ILLEGAL_EXTERFACE | Interface configure error. |
ILLEGAL_PARTNER_EXTERFACE | Partner ID do not have access privilege. |
ILLEGAL_SECURITY_PROFILE | The key is not available. |
ILLEGAL_AGENT | Invalid Agent ID |
ILLEGAL_SIGN_TYPE | Invalid sign type |
ILLEGAL_CHARSET | Illegal character set |
HAS_NO_PRIVILEGE | No priviledge |
INVALID_CHARACTER_SET | Invalid character set |
Request succeeds:
<param name="partner">208xxxxxxxxx5500</param>
<param name="service">alipay.commerce.qrcode.modifyStatus</param>
<param name="_input_charset">UTF-8</param>
<param name="qrcode"></param>
<param name="biz_type">OVERSEASHOPQRCODE</param>
<param name="sign">d337749dec8b1da1defb95567379287b</param>
<param name="notify_url"></param>
<param name="sign_type">MD5</param>
<param name="timestamp">2019-09-10 14:43:12</param>
<param name="status">STOP</param>
Request is failed: