Best practice

  1. Prevent calculating points duplicately

Besides of AlipayHK, we believe merchant will calculate membership points via other channels such as merchant's own APP, onsite customer service center, etc. To avoid calculating duplicately, we suggest Ordering system or CRM to verify the transactions before adding the points based on transaction no.

AlipayHK suggested de-duplicated logic

Best practice
  1. Make the points updated timely

To bring the best customer experience, we will suggest merchant update the Points once received the transaction record from AlipayHK side. Technically, the /updatePass API should be called after received the API /notify call from AlipayHK side. Understand that some CRM/OMS system may update the point by batch, we strongly recommend CRM/OMS could implement realtime points update. Alternatively, could split into two sperate logic, one for real-time and one for batch update

  1. Make the user login smoothly (for mini-app solution)

To bring the best customer experience, we will suggest merhcant adopting our SSO solution. Hence user doesn't need to login again when re-enter the mini-app

For more details about the SSO, please check the details here

  1. Adopt proper retry mechanism

As the system can't be 100% stable and response to the API call timely everytime, merchant could consider to adopt proper retry mechanism to increate the robust of the overal system design. Merchant could use below interval and frequency.

1st time: 01:00:00 - initial request

2nd time: 01:00:02 - after ard 2s

3rd time: 01:00:04 - after ard 2s

4th time: 01:00:06 - after ard 2s

5th time: 01:10:06 - after ard 10mins

6th time: 01:40:06 - after ard 30mins

  1. Response to AlipayHK's API timely

To bring the best user experience, our front-end has 3s timeout rules, which means if our system doesn't receive response within 3s, the APP will then display error message to user. Hence we will suggest Merchant‘s system should response to AlipayHK's API call within 3s, better 2s.