
HK Site Merchant ID and End Point

Merchant needs to complete the on-boarding progress to get a Merchant ID from AlipayHK side.

The merchant id should start with 2160. Please contact your BD/SA for initial information setup. Please include below information

- Endpoint for different environment ( Production and non-Production)

- Public key for different environment ( Production and non-Production)

After configuration complete, AlipayHK will reply with the clientID and AlipayHK public id.

The clientID will be used for API calling

PMS Information

PMS information is a must for Implementing this solution

If merchant can't provide the PMS, we provide approach for collecting the PMS ID.

a. Collect them via an identifier code.

please contact your BD/SA to get a PMS identifier code.

b. Collect them via API

please check the API imformation in below sessions

Membership Card Template

Membership card template needs to be provided if you wants your membership card display in AlipayHK APP

Please fill in the template information and send to your BD for template creation


If more user information is needed during account creation, please also provide below information
